How Many Cryptocurrency Exchanges Exist In the World?

Cryptocurrency exchanges play a crucial role in the market by supervising trade and occasionally valuing cryptocurrency. Exchanges come in various forms, some centralized and others decentralized, but virtually always play the same function. The method through which transactions are completed differs. We will discuss how many cryptocurrency exchanges there are and which ones have the best reputations in this post.

How Many Exchanges Take Place Today?

There are no regulations governing how to start up a cryptocurrency exchange because there is now little to no regulation of cryptocurrencies in many nations. While a trustworthy exchange would invest in robust infrastructure and security measures, it is theoretically possible to set up your own exchange online in a surprisingly straightforward manner. However, just because you set up an exchange doesn’t mean that investors will utilize it.

Since these exchanges are not required to register with any centralized body, it is challenging to estimate their actual quantity at any time. Although there are now 504 cryptocurrency exchanges, this number might change anytime. While some of these exchanges are still in the startup phase, 259 of them are tracked by CoinMarketCap.

We may trade cryptocurrency on 18,998 different marketplaces, according to CMC. This indicates that there are 18,998 unique trading pairings accessible on 259 exchange platforms, such as BTC/USDT, XRP/USDT, etc. A quick calculation reveals that an exchange platform typically offers 73 marketplaces for consumers to trade-in.

Many exchanges are put up and then shut down after receiving little to no interest since they are so “simple” to set up. A white-label option is an additional choice for those who want to build an exchange. This implies that you might establish a cryptocurrency firm by purchasing a well-known exchange’s infrastructure, rebranding it, and putting it on the market. Today’s cryptocurrency consumers are more aware of possible scams and often choose the more extensive, more reliable crypto exchanges. Binance is a prime illustration of a trustworthy cryptocurrency exchange.

Which Exchanges Have the Best Reputations?

A platform must function in a secure environment to be included in the list of reliable cryptocurrency exchanges. There are various methods to do this, including following industry best practices, the law, and a robust firewall in place.

Some top exchanges also choose to have their headquarters in nations that are passing laws governing cryptocurrencies. By doing this, businesses can draw in cautious investors who like doing business with firms that adhere to regulations.

Binance, A famous exchange that moved to Malta after the island nation enacted several industry laws, is another well-known exchange.

eToro. By trading volume, Binance is one of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges and is well-liked by its users. Despite successfully being breached in 2019, no customers’ money was lost, significantly improving the platform’s reputation.

Coinbase is an American business authorized to conduct financial transactions. The company also maintains a location in the UK, where it obtained an e-money license from the FCA. As a result, it must follow stringent compliance guidelines, making its business operations safer. In addition to taking card payments and bank transfers, Coinbase is arguably best known for enabling the purchase of Bitcoin and other altcoins with PayPal.

KuCoin has a solid reputation for safety even though it hasn’t yet registered with any legal bodies. The P2P exchange is best suited for seasoned traders because it focuses on trading futures and perpetual contracts. Instead, novice investors can check out these user-friendly crypto exchanges.

Choosing a Crypto Exchange: 5 Things to Know

Take into account these five aspects when choosing a cryptocurrency exchange to ensure that it suits your demands and is in line with your plan or strategy.

  1. Where does the exchange do business?

Make sure the exchange covers your jurisdiction before deciding on it. Specific locations are required for some exchanges. A cryptocurrency exchange’s jurisdiction reflects its target market and the places where it is legally permitted to operate. Some exchanges have country-specific web addresses.

  1. What is its liquidity level?

Exchanges with a larger transaction volume and more money-changing hands typically benefit investors. Look for an exchange with a lot of users or users who keep a lot of assets on the exchange and trade regularly to have access to that increased liquidity. Specific cryptocurrencies do, of course, tend to be more liquid than others.

Typically, during periods of extreme volatility, liquidity is crucial (common to the crypto markets). Prices may rise or fall considerably more sharply than they would typically if there is less liquidity, which can increase volatility.

  1. What kinds of cryptocurrencies may you trade?

Most exchanges tend to trade more of the currencies with greater market caps. Investors seeking rarer, less popular currencies may need to hunt for smaller exchanges. Check the list to locate your preferred cryptocurrency. It’s simple to find out what currencies are accessible.

  1. How much are the costs?

As mentioned above, the fees levied by cryptocurrency exchanges and trading applications vary greatly, but they are all charged in some way. Execute sure you comprehend the conditions and select an exchange that is appropriate for the kinds of deals you intend to make.

A native token enables traders to pay fewer fees on an exchange. For instance, the Binance exchange offers the Binance currency (BNC). Instead of using the currency pair, they are trading, and users pay fees in the form of BNC.

  1. How safe is it?

Even if no exchange is entirely safe, you could consider those that have been in operation the longest, have the most users, or have seen the fewest issues. The websites of exchanges often provide information regarding their security procedures.

Some exchanges provide partial or complete user fund insurance. In the event of a catastrophe, an exchange that gives insurance might protect investors from losses, although such plans are uncommon and often not comprehensive. Do your homework, of course.


Selecting the ideal bitcoin exchange platform for your unique requirements can be challenging and time-consuming. Don’t forget to consider the costs, standing, security, procedures for verification, and geographic services that an exchange platform has to provide. Keep in mind that utilizing several bitcoin exchanges is not restricted. We hope the information we’ve given you will help you choose an exchange platform. When you wish to test a different option during your trading trip, save the article as a bookmark and return to our list of best cryptocurrency exchanges.

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