Industries Transformation Powered by Satellite Data Services

Manmade satellites gather the data about the Earth in their orbits, and the process of the data collection is what satellite data service is. Thanks to satellites, we can get data about the weather and changes on the surface of our planet. Previously, the use of aerial photography was limited to the military, but today the images have become available to both enterprises and various kinds of consumers. 

It’s also essential to notice that the current shots are of a much higher quality. Satellite imagery can be accessed easily and quickly, so applying satellite imagery for business needs can save money and transform the industry. Specialists from different industries use satellite imagery. The list includes real estate brokers, contractors, urban planners, utilities, landscape architects and engineers.

EOS Data Analytics and many other companies send many satellites into orbit. Their number is not comparable to before, making it possible to receive information about events in any corner of the Earth almost in real-time. Satellites provide a nearly continuous stream of data about events and changes on the surface of our planet. These data make it possible to increase the efficiency of various industries, including environmental protection.

The application of satellite data in various fields, including agriculture, oil, gas, and mining, provides many benefits. Development of infrastructure projects becomes more detailed thanks to high-resolution satellite imagery. The data serves as a visual reference in the development of plans, and engineers can increase the accuracy and reliability of construction.

Satellite data is used in various stages of the preliminary assessment and justification of mining in a particular area in the mining industry. With satellite data services, all mining data is securely stored and can be shared with the appropriate operators. Demand for satellite data services is also growing in disaster management and Earth observation areas. The reason is that global warming is increasing and causing unpredictable atmospheric behavior. Another factor in the demand for satellite data is using such data for GIS systems, mineral exploration including oil, 3D city modeling, and mapping applications such as Google Earth and Bing Maps.

The agricultural industry is also benefiting from satellite technology, especially as spatial resolution approaches the level of a square centimeter. Spectral color measurements, combined with other data, provide real-time information about the state of vegetation and soil. Farmers can get a 3D map of the actual state of agricultural land. It contributes to efficient production management.

Farm management and distribution of resources, including water and fertilizer. Valuable information combined with innovation makes it possible to make production more accurate and save money since sampling and other traditional methods are more expensive and less efficient. Satellite data is also being used for terrain mapping, which improves planning and site recovery after natural disasters.

Trends in Satellite Data Services

Artificial intelligence occupies an important position in the market for satellite data services. Systems receive data and make decisions based on raw data, but practically no human is involved in these processes. Machine learning is a powerful satellite image analysis tool that provides accurate information regardless of resolution. 

Improvements in space communications infrastructure facilitate the fast download of data files from the satellite. Infrastructure is also provided as a service. Key companies combine ground stations and also use advanced onboard cameras and sensors. Thus, the industry of ground-based observatories is being transformed. 

In addition, satellite images become more accurate due to improved spatial resolution and measurement accuracy. Hyperspectral and multispectral imaging technologies are increasingly being used to collect data from the Earth. It enables useful complex information by collecting the full spectrum of light reflected from the Earth’s surface. Technologies combine images in several ranges to extract even more helpful information.

Satellite data services significantly expand the capabilities of many industries and benefit various areas of human activity. Thanks to these services, specialists receive valuable information based on which important and influential decisions are made. The list of industries using satellite data is vast and growing, including agriculture, mining, urban beautification, environmental protection, etc. However, satellite data services continue to evolve and are used in conjunction with many other technologies.

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