How To Choose The Parts To Assemble Your PC?

Building a PC is fun, and it’s simpler than most people realise. We here at Devicemaze! We love the world of hardware and are always looking for the best ways to build that fantastic machine. With that in mind, why not spread that feeling and teach yourselves to assemble yours?

Here, we’ll give tips and teach you how to choose the correct parts for your computer as simple as possible. Of course, going deeper is always good, so use it to get started, and if you love this world as we do at Devicemaze!, do some research, watch tutorials, and study this area! We guarantee that it is even simpler than most people think. Ready? So let’s start!

Where to start building your PC?

The first question we should ask is: What will we use our PC for? After all, a PC gamer will be different from a PC for work. Will it also be used for streams? Are you going to model in 3D? Use Photoshop? Are you just going to look at social media and videos? All of these variables may require different parts, and it’s essential to know their usage to optimise your computer’s cost-effectiveness and not end up with less power than necessary or a PC too strong to use only a percentage of it.

After answering that question, now we can go to the pieces. incase if live in cape town you simply just search online PC shop in cape town and you don’t have to worry about anything or You can start with several, but to make it easier for you to choose others, we usually start with…

The processor


We’ve already explained in an article here on the blog what computer processors are for, and then we’ll explain why to start with it. And how do we choose a processor? There are two leading manufacturers of the products: AMD and Intel.

The differences between both are physical, but in terms of performance, we can draw a parallel between them, so it depends a lot on those who are buying – the brands will deliver a great product. When we see the configurations of a processor, we must pay attention to four main points: the model, the number of cores (or cores), threads and clock.

Check out the importance of each one of them:

• Model: in addition to AMD or Intel, we will have models. These are, for example, AM4 for AMD or LGA 1151 for Intel. In this case, the most current models always have several advantages compared to previous versions. They are more optimised, compatible with other existing parts and recent games and programs, among further details. If in doubt, research which would be the most current models for the use you want or the most popular models among those who buy. He will be more critical in our next step.

• Cores: Also known as cores, it’s the number of microprocessors we have inside that big processor, in short. The more colours, the faster this processor will be. Is it always necessary to have as many colours as possible? No. Colours and Threads, which we’ll talk about next, help a lot in multiple tasks simultaneously. Want an example? Playing and streaming simultaneously requires running the game, the streaming APP, the chat, your WebCam… so a processor with more cores can help you a lot. If you’re just going to play games, it’s the Windows game and tasks, and then you’ll do fine with fewer cores.

• Threads is the number of instructions that are resolved simultaneously. Understand how lanes on a highway: the more streets, the more cars can pass simultaneously and the more fluid the traffic. As with cores, the higher this number, the better your processor can do more things at once and deliver what it needs quickly.

• Clock: This is the overall processor speed. The higher this value, the faster the processor delivers and compers what we mentioned before. And when we see terms like Max Boost, it means the maximum that this processor will achieve in games and other heavy applications.

For the best cost-effectiveness, try to balance all of these values ​​in your processor budget. Within the money you set aside, start with the cores. Will its use require many? Get a processor with fewer cores but a higher clock rate if the answer is no. Are more guts needed? Get one with more cores and threads, even if it means a lower clock rate. Finding that balance will require a lot of research, but I guarantee you will come away with good use of your money from this endeavour. Oh, and remember to research if your CPU needs a better cooler, or even a water cooler, tobeginWebuy it.

The Motherboard


Now, let’s explain why to start with the processor: remember it has models? AM4, LGA 1151… so, this is how we can start our research to see if they are compatible with the motherboard. Choosing your processor, if it is AMD, for example, we can exclude all Intel boards from the search. If it is AM4, we also eliminate AM3+, AM1 or the like. On the Devicemaze website! we can quickly filter the boards by selecting the socket (which I called template to make it easier) on the left side of the page.

Let’s say we picked an Intel 1151 processor then, and now we’re looking at this list of boards. What do we want? Well, first of all, know that the more inputs this card has, the more gaming technologies, the more outputs, the more expensive it will be – but with the better performance.

The world of motherboards is pervasive, but let’s summarise what you should pay attention to the number of PCI slots, memory slots, USB inputs, M.2 inputs and audio outputs.

• PCI slots: where we put our video cards. There are several models, but they are backwards compatible, so thatyou can put any PCI video card in them, and they will accept. Is the quantity necessary to your planning? Do you intend to have more than one video card one day? So having more than one slot is crucial.

• Memory slots: they can be DDR3 or DDR4 (primary current model), which will influence later. As for the quantity, as with the cards, it’s essential if you want more memories later.

• USB ports: they have types too. If you’re going to plug in something that’s USB 3.0, it’s only going to have its full power on 3.0 inputs on the motherboard. And, of course, the more inputs, the more devices you can connect simultaneously.

• M.2 inputs: this input is for M.2 SSDs; we will explain later what they are. If you intend to have one, your card must have compatible information. Standard SSDs are plugged into the SATA ports, and all these motherboards nowadays have them.

• Audio outputs: some cards have fuller audio connectors with more options. If you’re just going to hook up a simple box or headset with a P2 cable, any card has inputs for them.

The price range of motherboards varies a lot, so it’s necessary, again, to check what options are within your budget. Within that, you can choose a card with the inputs and outputs you need, without exaggeration, and still have a robust card on hand for your computer. The cards are also different sizes, this will be important later, but this size is measured in ATX. An ATX board is one size, while Mini ATX (mATX) is smaller. Keep this information.

Now an important point! We filtered by boards of the model we wanted. However, this does not always indicate that all processors are compatible, and that’s it. When choosing your motherboard, go to its manufacturer’s website and search for the model. With that, look on the page for the list of compatible processors and see if yours is there. If not, you can choose another motherboard and search for compatibility. To help, multiple separate candidates and search through them all, so you can quickly move to the next on the list.



As for RAM memories, we have a more straightforward task at hand. They are largely responsible for your computer’s overall speed, and Windows 10 needs at least 8GB to run satisfactorily. If your PC is a gamer, this amount has to be higher. In addition to the number of gigs of memory, remember to look at the speed at which it works, measured in Mhz (such as 3000MHz).

The higher these numbers, the faster the memory will be, as will your PC. Remember that if you want better performance, two identical memories working together will always be ideal. This is called Dual Channel. However, for Dual Channel to work, these memories must be the same, placed in two different slots on your motherboard. Don’t buy distant memories or work together; always work with the same pairs.

And choosing compatible memory is pretty straightforward. Your motherboard will specify the DDR input (DDR3, DDR4). Your memory will have to be one of these; if the card is DDR4, for example, buy DDR4 memories. Now, about the frequency, check your motherboard manufacturer’s website to see if it is compatible with that frequency. It will work as a suitable model and at the supported frequency.

The Video Card

video card

The star of every PC gamer needs special care! Not for compatibility, as it runs on any motherboard that has a PCI-E port (which basically means all). Your choice will depend on other issues.

First, let’s talk about the concept of “bottleneck”. This slang of the hardware world has a very simple explanation: the parts of your PC need to be in synergy, because a much weaker part can get in the way, not allowing the computer to work with everything it has, already a much above-average performance of your setup, it can be a waste, since it won’t use all the component’s performance, like a bottleneck!

So, look primarily at your processor. From it, we can judge, or even research online, if it isn’t too weak or too strong for your dream board. If it’s on these extremes for the board you want, try redoing the process, but with another processor.

When choosing the card, this varies a lot from its use. Do you want a PC with Ray Tracing, capable of running at 4K and 60 FPS? Well, then you’re going to need the best graphics cards on the market. Do you need more input performance, offering a good cost-benefit ratio? Is 1080p without Ray Tracing okay? So we have several more affordable card options that might fit your needs. An easy way is to take that dream game of yours and see what settings it asks for! Through them, you will discover the video card that will run it the way you want it.

Another interesting point: if you don’t want to play games, models, or anything too complex on your PC, you can skip the graphics card step completely. Just buy a processor that has integrated video. That means it has a mini video card inside it. Obviously, it will be quite limited compared to dedicated graphics cards, but for working or watching videos they are great, even for older games, why not?

SSDs or HDs

SSD and HD

To store everything you need, work is easier. Starting with HDs, there’s not much secret: they don’t have incompatibilities and, the bigger, the more files they can store.

The world of SSDs, on the other hand, involves a little more research. SATA SSDs have no incompatibilities and sizes are as varied as possible, focused on speed. When viewing an SSD page, check the part that shows the read and write speed. The higher these numbers, the faster your product will be!

And there are other models of SSDs, like the M.2. These need specific compatible input on your motherboard, so be sure to pick one that does if you want to use one. They are generally much faster than regular SSDs.

And we also have PCI Express SSDs, which plug into a video card slot. Just make sure you have one of these leftover on your motherboard so you can put one of these in, or you won’t be able to use it.

the cabinet


The office of your PC is more a simple piece of choosing. What you need to pay attention to are two points: size and the number of coolers it will have. The size is calculated by looking at your motherboard and your video card. Remember that the motherboard shows ATX, Mini ATX and similar information? This indicates its size and can give you an idea of ​​which cabinet to buy. Some video cards are also quite large, so check the case information for the maximum card size it can support.

As for coolers, see if your motherboard has enough inputs, or you’ll have to resort to adapters, like the ones that connect coolers to your PC’s power supply. With this, you avoid the surprises of having thought of several coolers but not having a place to connect them when your PC arrives. This is part of the setup about airflow and cable management, and we won’t go into that world too much here, because these details change depending on the case chosen.

The source


Itchosen caseis always good to pay attention to its quality and the seals it has for the source. The power supply is an essential part of the computer, as it will have to support and manage the power of all the other unique features you previously chose. A low-quality font can quickly burn your laptop, so never neglect it in your purchases.

As for capacity, this will vary significantly from the PC you choose. The video card is the most demanding component from the source, and it usually shows the recommended citation, so it’s easier to choose. If there are still doubts, there are many online tools that calculate, through your parts, the source you would need. And about the seals, always buy seeds certified and with the 80 Plus seal, which indicates that they have gone through several security checks and their functioning is guaranteed. The better this stamp, like 80 Plus Goldcertified sources, the more accurate your delivery will be.

the keyboard


For the keyboard, the usage issue comes into very much effective. For casual or work use, several inexpensive models, some even cordless, can fill this need. People who work or want more comfort can focus on hotkeys, or even programmable ones, to help get what they need to be done faster.

While any keyboard works for the job, if you want more gaming-focused performance with great response time, you need to invest in a higher quality mechanical keyboard. It has a much faster and more accurate keystroke, and you can browse the various types of switches to find what suits your style best: some are very light, others are harder to hit, among other things.

And if you like RGB, there are the most varied keyboards with the most diverseexcellent formats. Some change their tone, have different effects, and you can find one that will please you and match the colours of your case coolers.

The mouse


Like the keyboard, mice have a lot of variety and range from simple ones for casual or work use, to models with very high DPI (which indicates more precision and speed) and RGB. We also have wireless models, gamers or not.

To choose your mouse, we recommend researching the one you willuse. A few more shortcut buttons can help with your work or game. The MMO player can enjoy the mice with lots of extra buttons on their side. An FPS player will prefer a better DPI rate. And if you’re an E-sports fan, you can check which mouse your favourite pro-player uses or what settings he uses.

As well as the keyboard, there are the most diverse options of RGB in mice so that you can choose the one that best suits your taste.

The headset (or headphone)


Let’s start by clearing a question: headphones don’t have a microphone, only earphones. On the other hand, headsets have a microphone, even if it’s a small and hidden one. We have headsets with two types of input: P2 and USB. Both will work just fine – although most tech headsets are usually USB.

As for the model, in addition to checking its use, you should research which will have a better and more comfortable fit in your ear, to avoid pain with prolonged use. Headsets also have several technologies, such as 7.1 audio, which gives you a much better sense of spatial sound, being able to judge with precision where the sound is coming from and how far away it is.

If you love music, our own headsets and headphones have strong bass, clean treble, and other advantages. The world of headsets is quite vast, so be prepared to do some research until you find the ideal one for you!

the monitor


To close our PC purchase, it’s time to choose the perfect screen to show everything you need. The monitors also have several technologies and formats for all tastes, such as blue light control to make the image smoother, perfect for those who will spend hours reading in front of the screen, for example.

Depending on the game type, you might want a higher hertz rate for games. Basically, this means your monitor will be able to show more frames simultaneously. On a 60 hertz screen, you can run the game at 300 FPS, but your screen will only show 60, for example. In addition, we have the response time, measured in milliseconds. The smaller this value, the less delay there is between your input and the action on the screen.

Another point is the screen size, which the distance can calculateThis you will be standing from your PC. If it’s too close, a smaller screen will do. Resolution is also essential: 1080p monitors will only show that resolution, even if your game is 4K. The tip is to check what resolution your video card works best for and choose a monitor with it. If you don’t care about the solution but FPS, you can select a screen with a lower resolution but a higher hertz rate. These all vary depending on how you plan to use your computer.

Final tips

The last parts were more straightforward, as none of them held the risk of incompatibility, so let’s go to our final tips and thoughts:

• Always focus on your usage and what fits your budget.

• As complicated as it may seem, it’s worth researching, as the cost-benefit pays off.

• Although assembling computers is a simple task, we do not recommend that you do it without experience in the field. When in doubt, call a technician you trust.

• After everything is chosen, check again for incompatibilities or details you may have missed.

• In any part of the process, internet forums, technicians, videos and several other tools are your friends and will help to answer your questions.

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