Aptos explorer | Analytics Platform for Blockchain explorer

OKG’s blockchain explorer, which was the first team in the world to debut the Aptos blockchain explorer on October 18, 2022, now supports twenty chains. OKLink makes it simple to get an overarching view of the Aptos ecosystem and all its components. OKLink features over one hundred different Aptos ecosystem DApps at present.

Aptos Ecosystem (Jump) By OKLink

Aptos is a public blockchain that aims to solve problems with reliability, scalability, and usability. Its on-chain data can be used by developers to create decentralised applications and analysed by users. The Aptos network can do more than 100,000 transactions per second thanks to its parallel execution engine (Block-STM) for smart contracts, which is based on Software Transactional Memory principles.

After Jump-Backed Wormhole and Pyth joined the Aptos ecosystem, OKLink is the first team to launch an Aptos blockchain explorer while closely watching cutting-edge blockchain technology. Aptos used to be worth more than $4 billion because it was backed by companies like a16z, Jump Crypto, Multicoin Capital, and others.

OKLink has listed more than 100 DApps in the Aptos ecosystem. Because Aptos’s grant program gives developers non-dilutive funding to build the ecosystem. Over 100 projects have already been built on the network, which can be seen in OKLink. 

The OKLink Aptos Blockchain explorer, which is similar to Bloomberg in the crypto industry, gave the ecosystem information about the basics of Aptos Blockchain and made Aptos known to more people. 

Using Multichain Explorer, you can compare how well different chains are doing. It will show how dedicated the founding team is to help their community.

OKLink adopts Multichain using Agile Development

The Aptos Explorer lets users explore a new multi-chain blockchain. As multichain crypto increases, security will be more important. Real-time data monitoring helps consumers and investors make decisions and spot suspicious behavior and weaknesses. The top 10 security attacks in Q2 2022 cost $351 million, according to OKLink’s Crypto Sector Report.

OKLink has had several years of experience since the first BTC blockchain explorer went up in 2019. OKLink has blockchain explorers for BTC, Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche, Polygon, Optimism, Aptos, OKC, and 12 other chains. These explorers are available in 12 languages.

OKLink has already released eight blockchain explorers in 2022 thanks to agile development. After Ethereum’s merge, our blockchain explorer tracked the first block when it emerged. Blockchains let users filter blocks, transactions, and content.

OKLink’s on-chain data product matrix includes the blockchain explorer, Chaintelligence, ChainHub, and Audit.

The Best Blockchain Data in China

China was one of the first countries to focus on blockchain technology. According to statista.com, China’s blockchain market size topped 3 billion yuan in 2020. The market for blockchain technology is expected to reach 27 billion yuan by 2025 and 69 billion yuan by 2030.

OKG has spent years on blockchain R&D and commercialization. OKG has more than 10 offices in the U.S., Europe, South Korea, Japan, etc. Its subsidiaries (“Group”; 1499. HK) released their 2022 annual report. The company recorded revenue of HK$385.6 million and gross profit of HK$84.0 million, up 80.9% year-over-year.

Joining OKLink’s multichain explorer and buying up OKG is a nice thing to do for China’s market and ecosystem.

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