Here’s Why You Need Quality Elevator Shoes

Although elevator shoes may bring to mind images of sneakers with huge heels, adjusted shoe heights, and high heels, that’s not really what they’re most commonly available for. In fact, elevator shoes usually add just a few inches to your height, helping to boost your stature, your attitude, and maybe even your posture along the way.

However, if you’re not too familiar with the concept, then welcome! Elevator shoes are like what their name suggests – shoes that lift you up. While there are some shoes that add upwards of 6 inches to your height, most elevator shoes add just a few. Usually in the form of raised soles or heightened heels, elevator shoes are quite commonplace nowadays, letting nearly anyone gain a few inches onto their height.

Nonetheless, they’re not just for people wanting to look taller. In fact, there are quite a few benefits to a quality pair of elevator shoes; some of which, people don’t even think about. And as such, let’s get started with some of our favorite benefits to elevator shoes.

To start off, we have the obvious – elevator shoes let you choose your height. Although it’s usually only a few inches difference, the little changes can be huge. For example, if you’re edging right on six feet or even five feet, elevator shoes can push you right over.

And, compared to alternative in the form of high heels or other conspicuous options, elevator shoes are much more discreet and aren’t nearly as likely to be noticed or brought into the limelight. This makes them perfect for someone looking for a discrete boost to height, and for a great price. After all, you’re usually stuck with your height without invasive and potentially dangerous surgery. Or, just a pair of elevator shoes.

  • Comfort

Thanks to the slight raise in the back of elevator shoes, they’re commonly referred to as a more comfortable solution to your standard pair of sneakers. After all, there’s a slight lean forward and it can serve much more useful to your feet as such.

Additionally, many pairs of elevator shoes have extra padding and comfort footing available, boasting both a more comfortable design and a softer overall experience. If you’re interested in comfortable shoes or have arch support issues, elevator shoes might be an amazing solution. Of course, that’s including the benefits of nice shoes already, with proper arch support, cushioning, and more. There’s just additional customization and care put into a pair of quality elevator shoes.

  • Fixing Posture Issues

On top of helping boost your height and your comfort, elevator shoes can help your posture and overall body positioning. In addition to obviously boosting your vertical alignment, there’s the benefit of having the ability to choose the height of each foot.

For people with leg asymmetry or other alignment issues, elevator shoes can be a certain solution. Oftentimes, this means skipping out on potential surgery or other invasive procedures to instead wear a comfortable pair of shoes, specifically designed to be taller. Just throw on a shoe at the right height and another at the normal size, and suddenly there’s the ability for a slight adjustment to posture and alignment across your entire body.

  • Extra Grip and Other Little Benefits

Lastly, there’s the benefit from a forward leaning shoe. For hikers and others facing steep climbs often, elevator shoes are often a lifesaver, building forward leaning momentum and keeping feet anchored where they need to be.

Even outside of these situations, those living in cold conditions with frequent icing and snow might find use in the leaning and better stability. And, of course, that’s in addition to all the other benefits listed, whether it be in helping build your height, comfort, posture, or more. There’s a lot that’s good about elevator shoes and that’s past what most people assume.

For everyone, there’s an extra benefit that’s helpful specifically for them. Elevator shoes are, after all, shoes. They host a variety of customizable parts, changes, and other easy options, allowing you to make them into whatever you want. The biggest importance is to remember that they’re normal shoes with quite a few extra benefits.

There’s comfort, there’s the height benefit, there’s the balance benefit, and more, and it’s all available with a simple pair of quality shoes. When it comes to correcting small issues and adding new benefits, it really doesn’t get much simpler than investing in the small things that build up in benefits and quality. As such, elevator shoes are really a superb way to fix many problems while also introducing some completely new benefits.

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